How Covid-19 Turned Me Into A Hardcore Fangirl

We have all had to deal with covid in our own way. Working from home but unable to go anywhere was driving me nuts. I had never really been a person who watched TV/Netflix because I really don’t enjoy American TV shows. But, I have been a fan of anime for some time. While searching Netflix for an anime, I seen the trailer for a historical Asian drama “The Legend Of White Snake” and I was instantly hooked! Although I had some major issues with the storyline, I was mesmerized with the cinematography, costumes, and the music. This one series lead me down a rabbit hole that I have still not been able to climb out of!

After watching a few historic series I decided to try a more modern drama. My first was “Autumn’s Concerto” and I loved the storyline and the super sexy Vanness Wu’s character made me drool!

Later on I stumbled upon “Bangkok Love Stories 2: Innocence” which gave me my first taste of Asian BL Dramas and OMG it was so addictive!

So now I must confess that over the past year and a half I probably watch at least 2-3 dramas per week (complete them) and with all these storylines feeling my brain, I decided to start this blog. I really didn’t start it for any other reason than to keep a journal for myself of what I’ve watch. But, I do hope that my reviews might help you decide in watching a particular series/movie. And I hope you enjoy going down the rabbit hole as much as me! ~ xoxo

Author Note: I am from the U.S. I am currently learning Korean but I can not speak it fluently. English is the only language I can speak so if you contact me, please keep this in mind.